My Flights

Here you can find all of my flights on WeGlide.  WeGlide is the most modern platform to share flights.  It is much more user friendly than OLC.  E.g., you can easily display multiple flights on one map to identify common soaring routes, energy lines, and even typical thermal hotspots.  You can see all flights by a specific pilot, all flights from a specific location, or all flights from members of a specific club.  You can also overlay all flights flown in a particular area within a certain date range. Or you can set other filter criteria.  You can also download .igc traces of as many flights as you want to perform more analysis.  By contrast, OLC will only let you see one flight at a time and you are limited to downloading 15 flights per day.

WeGlide also provides additional statistical tools to help improve your flying.  E.g., you can see detailed information about your thermaling style including your bank angle and circling speed.   The user interface is easier to use and it feels like a site of the 2020s rather than one of the 2000s. I have high expectations for future enhancements.  As of 2021, WeGlide replaced OLC as the official host of the decentralized soaring contest in Germany. This means it will get populated and grow very quickly.  (Pilots in the US have so far been been slower to adopt WeGlide. Therefore I continue to upload my flights to OLC as well.  You can find them here. But I would strongly encourage you yo give WeGlide a try.)