
The glider has state-of-the-art instrumentation and is fully equipped for competition and record flying.

New LXNAV S10 Flight Computer with HAWK and AHRS

At the center is a new (2022) LXNAV S10 Flight Computer (approved for word record certification) with all options including HAWK winds (instantaneous wind indication) and artificial horizon (currently priced at $2,890). It is wired to be connected with an Oudie or Oudie IGC flight computer with moving map display.

Surrounding the S10 is the other equipment:

  • Winter Airspeed indicator (in kt)
  • Winter Altimeter (in ft)
  • Dittel Aviation Radio
  • Becker Mode C Transponder with external transponder antenna below the fuselage
  • FLARM Fusion with 2 antennas
  • LXNAV FlarmView 57 – additional Flarm display directly below the glare shield
  • Mountain High EDS O2D1 Oxygen System with large O2 bottle (easily removable)
  • ILEC control unit for sustainer engine
  • ELT (emergency locator transmitter) system
  • Power supply is via two LiPo avionics batteries (approx. 7-8 hours of power supply per battery plus additional Lead-Acid Battery for the engine – can also be used for avionics)
  • Naviter Oudie IGC moving map flight computer (optionally available for $500; purchased new in 2021 at $1100)

Well-thought-out equipment for pilot comfort:

  • Pilot relief system with direct tubing to the outside of the glider (no mess; can be used at any time without lowering the gear etc.)
  • Triple air vent system perfect for those hot summer days
    • side vent (on the right side of the cockpit)
    • central vent (at the center of the instrument panel)
    • canopy vent