Also, if you want your flight scored you must save it as an .igc file BEFORE you exit Condor. (Once you close Condor your flight trace will be gone for good if you have not saved it!)
Here are the steps you need to take after you land (BEFORE you close Condor):
1) Exit the flight (but not Condor!)
2) You will see the DEBRIEFING screen. Click on ” ANALYZE FLIGHT“.
(IMPORTANT: if you click “SAVE FLIGHT TRACK” Condor will store your flight as an .ftr file, not as an .igc file. I will need your .igc file, not your .ftr file!)
3) This will take you to the “FLIGHT ANALYSIS” screen. At the bottom click on ” IGC export“
4) Give your file a name. I suggest you include today’s date and your name in the file name. (This will make it easier for me.)
5) Then send an email and attach your file. It will probably be saved under Documents\Condor\FlightTracks\IGC